
168 lines
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from wands import Wand
from spells import *
class Player:
def __init__(self, name: str, wand: Wand):
self.name = name
self.health = MAX_PLAYER_HEALTH
self.wand = wand
self.active_spell = spell_none
self.active_spell_levenshtein_distance = 0 # Penalty => If >0 then damage reduction, 15% per distance
self.stunned_rounds = 0
self.decreased_spell_speed = False
self.decreased_spell_damage = False
self.lumos = False
def give_health(self, health: int):
self.health += health
if self.health > MAX_PLAYER_HEALTH:
self.health = MAX_PLAYER_HEALTH
return self.health
def take_health(self, health: int):
self.health -= health
if self.health < 0:
self.health = 0
return self.health
def get_spell_succes_rate(self, spell: Spell):
return 1 * self.wand.succes_rate * spell.succes_rate
def get_queued_effects(self):
output = ""
effect_slowed = "Slowed"
effect_blinded = "Blinded"
if self.decreased_spell_speed:
output = effect_slowed
if self.decreased_spell_damage:
if not output:
output = effect_blinded
else: output += ", " + effect_blinded
if not output: output = "None"
return output
def cast_spell_result(self, spell: Spell, succes: bool):
if succes:
message = "{name} casted '{spell}' with succes"
message = "{name} tried to cast '{spell}' but didn't truly mean it. Cast FAILED!"
elif spell.type == SPELL_TYPE_USELESS:
return "{name} must not be feeling well, since they casted a non existing spell. Cast FAILED!".format(name=self.name)
else: message = "{name} tried to cast '{spell}' but mispronounced it. Cast FAILED!"
return message.format(name=self.name, spell=spell.name)
def cast_spell(self, opponent): #: Player ?
spell_name = self.active_spell.name.lower()
if self.active_spell == spell_none:
print("- {name} does nothing".format(name=self.name))
if self.stunned_rounds > 0 and self.active_spell != spell_finite_incantatem:
print("<!> {name} tries to cast a spell but fails because they are stunned!".format(name=self.name))
if self.active_spell.type == SPELL_TYPE_USELESS:
if self.active_spell == spell_lumos:
if self.lumos:
print("- {name} casts {spell} with no effect: {name} already has a brutal shining light at the tip of their wand!".format(name=self.name, spell=spell_name))
print("- {name} casts {spell}! Look at that brutal shining light at the tip of their wand. Absolutely gorgeous!".format(name=self.name, spell=spell_name))
self.lumos = True
elif self.active_spell == spell_nox:
if not self.lumos:
print("- {name} shouts: {spell}! Nothing happened".format(name=self.name, spell=spell_name.upper()))
print("- {name} shouts {spell}! Their brutal shining light dissapears".format(name=self.name, spell=spell_name.upper()))
self.lumos = False
elif self.active_spell == spell_rennervate:
if opponent.stunned_rounds == 0:
print("- {name} casts {spell} with no effect, because {name_o} is not currently stunned!".format(name=self.name, spell=spell_name, name_o=opponent.name))
print("- {name} casts {spell}! {name_o} is no longer stunned!".format(name=self.name, spell=spell_name, name_o=opponent.name))
opponent.stunned_rounds = 0
elif self.active_spell == spell_igni:
print("- Geralt casts Igni. Wait. Geralt? White Wolf? The butcher of Blaviken? What is he doing here? Is he even here? What is going on?")
print("<!> [debug]{name} casted SPELL_TYPE_USELESS {spell}. Behaviour unscripted!".format(name=self.name, spell=spell_name))
elif self.active_spell.type == SPELL_TYPE_DEFENSE:
spell_succes = True
if self.active_spell == spell_finite_incantatem:
if self.stunned_rounds > 0:
if not 10 > random.random() * 100:
spell_succes = False
print("- {name} got lucky! Attempting to cast {spell} broke the silence!".format(name=self.name, spell=spell_name))
if spell_succes and (self.decreased_spell_damage or self.decreased_spell_speed):
print("- {name} casts {spell} and removes queued effects!".format(name=self.name, spell=spell_name))
self.decreased_spell_damage = False
self.decreased_spell_speed = False
elif spell_succes and not self.decreased_spell_damage and not self.decreased_spell_speed:
if self.stunned_rounds > 0:
self.stunned_rounds = 0
print("- {name} casts {spell}. {name_o} is looking confused. What spell did {name} try to cancel?".format(name=self.name, spell=spell_name, name_o=opponent.name))
elif not spell_succes:
print("- {name}: (nothing, still stunned)".format(name=self.name))
elif self.active_spell == spell_impendimenta:
if opponent.active_spell != spell_protego:
print("- {name} casts {spell} on {name_o}. {name_o} is slowed and their next offensive move will have a 33% slower spell speed!".format(name=self.name, name_o=opponent.name, spell=spell_name))
opponent.decreased_spell_speed = True
print("- {name} casts {spell} on {name_o}. FAILURE! {name_o} blocks the attack!".format(name=self.name, name_o=opponent.name, spell=spell_name))
elif self.active_spell == spell_lumos_solem:
# Light still goes through the shield, therefor always succeed blinding attempts
print("- {name} casts {spell} on {name_o}. {name_o} is blinded and their next offensive move will have 33% less damage!".format(name=self.name, name_o=opponent.name, spell=spell_name))
opponent.decreased_spell_damage = True
elif self.active_spell == spell_protego:
print("- {name} casts {spell}".format(name=self.name, spell=spell_name))
print("<!> [debug]{name} casted SPELL_TYPE_DEFENSE {spell}. Behaviour unscripted!".format(name=self.name, spell=spell_name))
elif self.active_spell.type == SPELL_TYPE_UNFORGIVABLE:
if self.active_spell == spell_avada_kedavra:
print("- THE NERVE! {name} casts the killing curse! See you in the after life {name_o}!".format(name=self.name, name_o=opponent.name))
opponent.health = 0
elif self.active_spell == spell_crucio:
print("- THE NERVE! {name} casts the torture curse. {name_o} is greatly hurt and falls to the ground. They are stunned for 5 (more) moves".format(name=self.name, name_o=opponent.name))
opponent.stunned_moves += 5
elif self.active_spell == spell_imperio:
print("- THE NERVE! {name} casts the Imperius curse. \"Why don't you take a nice nap for 10 moves, {name_o}?\". {name_o} submits with pleasure".format(name=self.name, name_o=opponent.name))
opponent.stunned_moves = 10
if self.active_spell == spell_mimblewimble:
if opponent.active_spell != spell_protego:
print("- {name} casts {spell} on {name_o}. {name_o}'s tongue is tied in a knot. That's annoying! {name_o} is silenced for 1 (more) move".format(name=self.name, spell=spell_name, name_o=opponent.name))
print("- {name} casts {spell} on {name_o}. FAILURE! {name_o} blocks the attack!".format(name=self.name, spell=spell_name, name_o=opponent.name))
elif self.active_spell == spell_silencio:
if opponent.active_spell != spell_protego:
if opponent.stunned_moves == 0:
print("- {name} casts {spell} on {name_o}. SUCCES! {name_o} is silenced for 3 (more) moves".format(name=self.name, spell=spell_name, name_o=opponent.name))
opponent.stunned_moves += 3
print("- {name} casts {spell} on {name_o}. FAILURE! {name_o} is already silenced!".format(name=self.name, spell=spell_name, name_o=opponent.name))
print("- {name} casts {spell} on {name_o}. FAILURE! {name_o} blocks the attack!".format(name=self.name, spell=spell_name, name_o=opponent.name))
damage_penalty = self.active_spell_levenshtein_distance * 15
if damage_penalty != 0: print("<!> {name} was unclear in their pronunciation and receives a damage penalty of {damage_penalty}".format(name=self.name, damage_penalty=damage_penalty))
total_damage = self.active_spell.damage * self.wand.damage - damage_penalty
if total_damage < 0: total_damage = 0
if opponent.active_spell == spell_protego:
print("- {name} casts {spell} on {name_o}. FAILURE! {name_o} blocks the attack!".format(name=self.name, spell=spell_name, name_o=opponent.name))
print("- {name} casts {spell} on {name_o} causing {dmg} damage!".format(name=self.name, spell=spell_name, name_o=opponent.name, dmg=total_damage))