from player import * from spells import * from wands import * ## ## Definitions ## input_messages = ( "{name}, what's your spell? ", "{name}, how will you obliviate your opponent? ", "{name}, go for it! Enter a spell! ", "{name}, hit me with your best spell: ", "{name}, go time! ", "{name}, it's your turn to enter a spell: " ) def print_turn_message(player: Player): return random.choice(input_messages).format( current_round = 1 def round_end(): if (player1.stunned_rounds > 0): player1.stunned_rounds -= 1 if (player2.stunned_rounds > 0): player2.stunned_rounds -= 1 print(" Round {round} ended! Current stats:\n\ - {p1_name}: Health: {p1_hp} | Queued effects: {p1_effects} | Round being stunned: {p1_stunned}\n\ - {p2_name}: Health: {p2_hp} | Queued effects: {p2_effects} | Rounds being stunned: {p2_stunned}".format( round=current_round,,, p1_effects=player1.get_queued_effects(), p1_stunned=player1.stunned_rounds,,, p2_effects=player2.get_queued_effects(), p2_stunned=player2.stunned_rounds ) ) ## ## ENTRY ## print() print("Welcome! You're about to perform a wizard duel!") print("After joining in, you have to select a wand. Your wand will affect the power of your spells. Spells have three atrributes that modify the power of spells:") print("1- DAMAGE: Damage can either deal damage to health points, or it can stun your a player for X amount of moves (DAMAGE below zero = amount of moves a player is stunned)") print("2- SUCCES CHANCE: How much succes chance of performing a spell. Some spells are difficult to pronounce and thus could fail..") print("3- SPEED: If both players succesfully cast a spell, the spell with the greatest speed will succeed and the other one will not") print() #GET: USERNAMES while True: player1_name = input("Player 1 - What's your name? ") player2_name = input("And now player 2 - What's your name? ") if len(player1_name) < 2 or len(player2_name) < 2: print(" Oops! Names must be at least 2 characters long! Please try again") else: break #GET: WANDS print("Welcome {p1_name} and {p2_name}! You're about to choose a wand to use in this duel! Available wands are:".format(p1_name=player1_name, p2_name=player2_name)) for i in Wand.wandList: print(i) #Player 1 while (True): try: wand_input = int(input("What wand do you want {name}? (Enter one of the numbers): ".format(name=player1_name))) except ValueError: continue if wand_input < 1 or wand_input > len(Wand.wandList): continue player1_wand = Wand.wandList[wand_input-1] break #Player 2 while (True): try: wand_input = int(input("What wand do you want {name}? (Enter one of the numbers): ".format(name=player2_name))) except ValueError: continue if wand_input < 1 or wand_input > len(Wand.wandList): continue player2_wand = Wand.wandList[wand_input-1] break player1 = Player(player1_name, player1_wand) player2 = Player(player2_name, player2_wand) print() print("{name} will be fighting with an {wood} wand with a {core} core".format(, wood=player1.wand.get_wand_wood().lower(), core=player1.wand.get_wand_core().lower())) print("{name} will be fighting with an {wood} wand with a {core} core".format(, wood=player2.wand.get_wand_wood().lower(), core=player2.wand.get_wand_core().lower())) print(" If you need a list of available spells, enter: help (this will not take away a move)") print(" If you need information of a specific spell, enter: help SPELL_NAME") print(" You can press enter (without typing a spell) to cast a random basic combat spell") print() print("Alright! Time to duel!") game_running = True try: while (game_running): current_round += 1 if (current_round != 1): # Weird, right? To have round_end() at the start of a round. # There will be multiple conditions where the current iteration will end. # I'm lazy, hence why it's here :-) round_end() print("== Round {round} ==".format(round=current_round)) # INPUT: Player 1 # INPUT: Player 2 # OUTCOME: SPELLS # > Get spell succes # > Add health if defensive spell was lucky (partial heal, fully heal) # > Determine instant winner or skip to next round # > Determine fastest spell # Spells with speed 100 will always be casted # > Determine priority # 1. Unforgivables # 2. Protego # 3. (fastest_spell) # 4. (other_player) # CAST SPELLS # > except KeyboardInterrupt: print() print(" Duel ended because both {} and {} suddenly decided to test out their apparition skill!".format(,