import random from player import Player from wands import wands from spells import Spell, spells, random_combat_spell, print_spells, find_spell_by_name from spells import _INVALID_SPELL, SPELL_TYPE_COMMON, SPELL_TYPE_POWERFUL from game_config import MIN_USERNAME_LEN, MAX_PLAYER_HEALTH INPUT_MESSAGES = ( "{name}, what's your spell? ", "{name}, how will you obliviate your opponent? ", "{name}, go for it! Enter a spell! ", "{name}, hit me with your best spell: ", "{name}, go time! ", "{name}, it's your turn to enter a spell: " ) ## ## Intro functions ## def intro_message_welcome() -> None: print() print("Welcome! You're about to perform a wizard duel!") print("After joining in, you have to select a wand. Your wand will affect the power of your spells. Spells have three atrributes that modify the power of spells:") print("1- DAMAGE: Damage can either deal damage to health points, or it can stun your a player for X amount of moves (DAMAGE below zero = amount of moves a player is stunned)") print("2- SUCCES CHANCE: How much succes chance of performing a spell. Some spells are difficult to pronounce and thus could fail..") print("3- SPEED: If both players succesfully cast a spell, the spell with the greatest speed will succeed and the other one will not") print() def intro_message_duel_start() -> None: print(" If you need a list of available spells, enter: help (this will not take away a move)") print(" If you need information of a specific spell, enter: help SPELL_NAME") print(" You can press enter (without typing a spell) to cast a random basic combat spell") print() print("Alright! Time to duel!") def intro_get_username(playerid: int) -> str: while True: user_input = input("Player {id} - What's your name? ".format(id=playerid)) if len(user_input) < MIN_USERNAME_LEN: print(" Oops! Names must be at least {len} characters long!".format(len=MIN_USERNAME_LEN)) else: break return user_input def intro_print_wands() -> None: for i in wands.items(): print("{wand_id}:{wand_desc}".format(wand_id=i[0], wand_desc=i[1])) def intro_get_wand(player: Player) -> Spell: while (True): try: user_input = int(input("What wand do you want {name}? (Enter one of the numbers): ".format( except ValueError: continue if user_input < 1 or user_input > len(wands): continue break return wands[user_input] ## ## Game round functions ## def start_round(round: int, player1: Player, player2: Player) -> None: if (player1.stunned_rounds > 0): player1.stunned_rounds -= 1 if (player2.stunned_rounds > 0): player2.stunned_rounds -= 1 print() print("== Round {round} ==".format(round=round)) print("-- Current stats:\n\ - {p1_name}: Health: {p1_hp} | Queued effects: {p1_effects} | Round being stunned: {p1_stunned}\n\ - {p2_name}: Health: {p2_hp} | Queued effects: {p2_effects} | Rounds being stunned: {p2_stunned}".format( round=round,,, p1_effects=player1.get_queued_effects(), p1_stunned=player1.stunned_rounds,,, p2_effects=player2.get_queued_effects(), p2_stunned=player2.stunned_rounds ) ) def print_turn_message(player: Player) -> None: return random.choice(INPUT_MESSAGES).format( def get_player_spell_from_input(player: Player) -> tuple: while True: player_input = input(print_turn_message(player)) if not player_input: spell_name, spell_obj = random_combat_spell() return ((spell_name, spell_obj), 0) if player_input == "help": print_spells() continue elif player_input.find("help", 0) != -1: spell_name, spell_obj = find_spell_by_name(player_input[5:])[0] if spell_obj is spells[_INVALID_SPELL]: print(" Spell '{what}' does not exist!".format(what=player_input)) else: print("'{spell_name}':{spell_desc}".format(spell_name=spell_name, spell_desc=spell_obj)) else: return find_spell_by_name(player_input) def round_get_player_spells(player1: Player, player2: Player) -> None: spell, dist = get_player_spell_from_input(player1) player1.active_spell = spells.get(spell[0]) player1.active_spell_levenshtein_distance = dist spell, dist = get_player_spell_from_input(player2) player2.active_spell = spells.get(spell[0]) player2.active_spell_levenshtein_distance = dist if (player1.stunned_rounds > 0 and player1.active_spell is not spells["Finite Incantatem"]): player1.active_spell = None if (player2.stunned_rounds > 0 and player2.active_spell is not spells["Finite Incantatem"]): player2.active_spell = None def round_set_player_spells_succes(player1: Player, player2: Player) -> None: player1.active_spell_succes = player1.get_spell_succes_rate(player1.active_spell) > random.random() * 100 player2.active_spell_succes = player2.get_spell_succes_rate(player2.active_spell) > random.random() * 100 print(player1.cast_spell_result(player1.active_spell, player1.active_spell_succes)) print(player2.cast_spell_result(player2.active_spell, player2.active_spell_succes)) if player1.active_spell_succes and player1.active_spell.chance_heal_partly_succes(): player1.give_health(MAX_PLAYER_HEALTH * 0.05) print(" {name} casted {spell} above expectations, and receives {hp} health!".format(, spell=player1.active_spell.get_spell_name(), hp=MAX_PLAYER_HEALTH*0.05)) elif player1.active_spell_succes and player1.active_spell.chance_heal_fully_succes() and < MAX_PLAYER_HEALTH: player1.give_health(MAX_PLAYER_HEALTH) print(" {name} casted {spell} outstanding! {name} now has full health!".format(, spell=player1.active_spell.get_spell_name(), hp=MAX_PLAYER_HEALTH*0.05)) # if player2.active_spell_succes and player2.active_spell.chance_heal_partly_succes(): player2.give_health(MAX_PLAYER_HEALTH * 0.05) print(" {name} casted {spell} above expectations, and receives {hp} health!".format(, spell=player2.active_spell.get_spell_name(), hp=MAX_PLAYER_HEALTH*0.05)) elif player2.active_spell_succes and player2.active_spell.chance_heal_fully_succes() and < MAX_PLAYER_HEALTH: player2.give_health(MAX_PLAYER_HEALTH) print(" {name} casted {spell} outstanding! {name} now has full health!".format(, spell=player2.active_spell.get_spell_name(), hp=MAX_PLAYER_HEALTH*0.05)) def round_get_player_spells_speed(player1: Player, player2: Player) -> tuple: player1.active_spell_speed = player1.active_spell.speed * player1.wand.speed player2.active_spell_speed = player2.active_spell.speed * player2.wand.speed if player1.decreased_spell_speed and (player1.active_spell.type == SPELL_TYPE_COMMON or player1.active_spell.type == SPELL_TYPE_POWERFUL): print(" {name} is slowed, spell speed decreased by 33%!".format( player1.active_spell_speed *= 0.67 player1.decreased_spell_speed = False if player2.decreased_spell_speed and (player2.active_spell.type == SPELL_TYPE_COMMON or player2.active_spell.type == SPELL_TYPE_POWERFUL): print(" {name} is slowed, spell speed decreased by 33%!".format( player2.active_spell_speed *= 0.67 player2.decreased_spell_speed = False if player1.decreased_spell_damage and (player1.active_spell.type == SPELL_TYPE_COMMON or player1.active_spell.type == SPELL_TYPE_POWERFUL): print(" {name} is blinded, spell damage decreased by 33%!".format( if player2.decreased_spell_damage and (player2.active_spell.type == SPELL_TYPE_COMMON or player2.active_spell.type == SPELL_TYPE_POWERFUL): print(" {name} is blinded, spell damage decreased by 33%!".format( fastest_caster = player1 slowest_caster = player2 if player2.active_spell_speed > player1.active_spell_speed: fastest_caster = player2 slowest_caster = player1 print("- {p1_name}'s spell speed is {p1_spd}. {p2_name}'s spell speed is {p2_spd}. {fastest} is the fastest caster this round!".format(, p1_spd=player1.active_spell_speed,, p2_spd=player2.active_spell_speed, )) return (fastest_caster, slowest_caster) def round_cast_spells(player1: Player, player2: Player) -> None: player1.cast_spell(player2) if > 0: player2.cast_spell(player1)